Community Model
The Utility Approach
A key differentiator of PACES is our structure as a community-based model with a mission to serve the public interest and the common good. Accordingly, PACES can prioritize delivering value for our user community based upon three core operating pillars:
Transparency: All episode definitions are open-source, and all the details of the grouping logic are available. There is no "black box."
Utility: as membership grows, the benefits of scale are passed on to the user community in the form of reduced license fees. There is no rent-seeking.
Neutrality: PACES does not sell services that could compete with those offered by the user community. There is no self-dealing.

The PACES User Community
The intended PACES user community is extremely diverse and seeks to include Consumers, Providers, Clinical Teams, Payors, ACOs, other risk-bearing entities, researchers and value-added data and analytics service providers.​
By embracing a utility pricing model, PACES is affordable and accessible to both smaller scale and large enterprise users. A specialty provider group looking to improve the total cost of care provided for the episodes related to their specialty and an independent PCP-led Medicare ACO seeking efficient, high quality specialists could benefit from using this tool. Larger organizations, such as health systems, commercial payors or self-funded employers, can use the tool with their data to benchmark high priority episodes and identify high performing providers.